Friday, May 2, 2008

Tickling Your Fancy

I recently went to a masturbation workshop, and my take away message was "man, I wish I had a boyfriend." I think the evening of self-empowered sexuality was meant to make me think the exact opposite.

The workshop leader was an awesome feminist who runs a female-oriented sex shop, Early to Bed, in Chicago. Using a giant, felt and velvet puppet vagina, she talked about female masturbation for almost an hour to a very receptive audience. I especially enjoyed her tales of masturbating throughout her youth. Funny.

Maybe it's graduate school or just one of those life periods, but I suddenly feel like most of my friends are single (and looking) and coming up empty handed (no pun intended) when it comes to men. Part of it, I know is the culture of school. No one has time or money for dating and hooking up is the new dinner and a movie. Part of it, I think, is Athena's before-mentioned alpha female complex. For women with everything: the job, the money, good grades, great friends, we're frustrated waiting around for men to call. It would be so much easier if our dating life were like our professional or personal lives. There, if you have an objective, work hard, and you'll achieve it. Dating, however, depends so much more on luck, subjectivity, the good graces of well-meaning but clueless males, it's difficult.

Take away: Vibrators are great, and because of the nature of this blog I feel it's my duty to tell women everywhere there's no need to wait for a man to make you happy, sexually or otherwise. However, if you're wishing for a spring fling instead, I totally identify with that.

1 comment:

Sue said...

"Vibrators are great"

(repeated for the cheap seats in the back :o)