Tuesday, April 15, 2008

On Being Mean to Strangers

I regret it now. I mean, I didn't really mean it at the time, but I still regret it now. Well, okay, I totally meant it at the time, I might even do it again if given the chance, but at least I have the capacity to understand why intimidating strange men to the point of tears is just simply not nice.

I have problems putting up with male bullshit. Come on, male readers, please write in and explain the seriously lame lines you use in public situations! I think what frustrates me, honestly, is the entirety of the constructed bullshit. (Sorry for the academese I'm transitioning from writing a paper.) I hate being in the social setting, being eyed like prey, and then pounced upon, usually by men who seem to be largely unable to come up with better lines than "You're pretty hot." or "I'm giving out free mammograms...." The worst line ever? How about "See that girl over there? I used to think she was the hottest girl in here, but after watching you sing Madonna, I'm pretty sure it's you." (That's paraphrased, but it was still pretty silly, especially considering the man in question could definitely have been a member of AARP.)

Like Athena's recent post, the problem lies not in the lack of nice guys, but in the way nice guys express themselves socially. Less likely to "buy the pretty lady a drink" and more likely to sit quietly, not wanting to offend. At least I assume so. What's the solution? Should we use our own conversation starters on the cute guys we see in these so-called constructed settings? I bet I could come up with something A LOT better than what I usually get. And, come to think of it, prior to my enforced social prison sentence (read: graduate school) I think I used to introduce myself to seemingly nice men all the time. Although, to be honest, I have romanticized my blissfully free year off to the point of not remembering the details all that well...

We're just not that into you lesson: Girls, we can do it better; make conversation with nice guys, that is. Stop letting that douchebag in the bar steal your time away just because he's brave enough to approach you first. Get out there and practice your own cheesy lines on seemingly nice strangers. And, if approached by douchbags, do not make them cry! That is just mean, although that might just be my own problem...

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