Friday, February 8, 2008

Kicking Off Valentine's Day Week

As the poll says, it might be just a little too easy for the Gods and Goddesses of real love to make fun of Valentine's Day and all its vapid promises of candy box fulfillment. Does anyone outside of junior high seriously subscribe to its chocolate-coated expectations of gifts and fancy dinner anymore? (If you still do, and think I'm being slightly cynical, post away.)

I'm not a big believer in the VD, and that might be reflective of numerous less-than-stellar historical showing's from Cupid in my life. There was the Valentine's Day when my date made out with another girl at the college house party. The year I accidentally sunburned my entire body in a tanning bed and decided to end a moderately fulfilling but ultimately disappointing relationship with a good friend. One year, I spent the night fending off sad 40-something women at a bar called Nutty's as they drunkenly tried to embrace me, saying "I wish I had a boyfriend! I don't want to be single anymore!" A total downer.

You know what this means, my expectations are extremely high now that I'm celebrating Valentine's Day with a super-nice boyfriend by my side. (Just kidding.) In all seriousness, I think this holiday in particular gives us something to Not Be Into together. I'm going to kick it off, by opening some space for not being into expectations and stereotypes.


Anonymous said...

What I guess always baffles me about VD is why people who are in love need Hallmark to remind them of that. Do we really need obligatory "holidays" to tell our partners that we love and appreciate them? Ridiculous.

Sidebar: one of you should definitely post something on an article in March's Atlantic Monthly called "Marry Him! The Case for Settling."

Circe said...

Atlantic Monthly article,
"Marry Him! The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough"

not sure what I think about this! she does make a point, sadly enough, though.

Anonymous said...

Not to be flippant, but what would T-Rex have to say about all this?

Please don't give me evil looks for posting this.

Athena said...

Here here on the Valentine's Day. The endless conversations about people in love is enough to make any single gal depressed. Luckily they have ample supplies of chocolate to comfort us in this moment of need...they have worked this holliday to perfection--exploit the lovers and the emotional eaters!

Sue said...

...and those ample supplies are 50-75% discounted if you buy them the day AFTER.

Here here to the days after Valentine's!